- Constitutes 1% of pyogenic skeletal infections
- Pathogenic organisms can infect vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs, or the spinal canal
- Spine infected through local extension from adjacent infection or else from seeding of distant organ hematogenously or via lymphatic system
- Bacteria can be directly introduced by surgery, trauma, intravenous or intradural injection or catheterization
- Most frequently cultured organisms are:
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Salmonella should be considered in patients with sickle cell disease
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis is seen in less developed populations and in prison populations (Pott’s disease)
- Spinal sepsis is common in:
- Adolescents
- Elderly
- IV drug users
- Patients with diabetes or renal failure
- Patients who have undergone spinal surgery
- Recent acute systemic infection, especially S.aureus
- Osteoporosis has been implicated as predisposing factor due to increased blood flow
- Pyogenic osteomyelitis
- Acute spontaneous back pain, +/- fever & weight loss
- Significant percussion tenderness posteriorly over affected vertebral segments
- Paraspinal muscle spasm in 90% of patients
- Fevers present in <50% patients Lab test results often equivocal Elevated WBC’s in only 42% patients ESR elevated in >90% cases but non-specific
- Diagnosis relies upon high index of suspicion
- Radiographic findings lag behind symptomatic progression of disease
- MRI with gadolinium contrast is gold standard for early detection
- Bone scan may be useful in diagnosis
- Plain radiographs often negative, late findings (10 days to 2 weeks) include disc space narrowing and endplate erosion
- Tubercular osteomyelitis: plain films demonstrate anterior vertebral body destruction with sparing of intervertebral disc
- Identification of responsible organism is key to treatment
- After confirmation of organism by blood culture or biopsy specimen, appropriate IV antibiotics administered for 6 weeks
- Short-term bed rest for pain management
- Successful nonoperative treatment most likely in patients < 60 years old, immunocompetent, infection by S. aureus, decreasing ESR as response to IV antibiotics
- Surgical treatment required to moderate advanced destruction of spine with instability, neurologic compromise, or failure to respond to IV antibiotics
- Surgical treatment consists of anterior debridement and stabilization with autologous structural bone grafting with possible posterior pedicle screw fixation and fusion
- Antibiotic impregnated polymethylmethacrylate cement may be used as a temporary spacer
- New minimally invasive techniques may prove to be excellent tools for management of spinal infections